Episode 302: Slow Burn to Burnout with Dr. Seema Desai
Dr. Seema Desai finished dental school in 2008 and has been practicing off and on ever since. The problem was that no matter where she worked, who she worked with, or who her patients were, she never felt fulfilled. Why couldn’t she be happy “having it all”?
Instead of digging deeper into the cause of her dissatisfaction, she shifted gears and checked another box. She became a mom. She took a few years off with her first child, but ended up deep in the pit of undiagnosed postpartum depression.
Looking back she wishes she’d had the courage to seek professional help, but at the time she took steps to acknowledge where she was at, seek help from her inner circle, and invest in coaching. Her coach was also a yoga teacher and when she started her own yoga ritual she finally started to find her place.
Listen as Dr. Seema shares her story and the advice she wishes someone had given her when she was at her lowest. We had an amazing conversation that you won't want to miss if you’ve found yourself questioning whether or not checking all the boxes is truly fulfilling your purpose.
“Even the smallest advocacy for five minutes, for ten minutes for an hour, whatever it takes. That’s ok”
In this episode:
[02:20] Welcome to the show, Dr. Seema Desai!
[02:44] When did Dr. Seema realize she was deep in the pit of burnout?
[06:29] “When you start to see the little signs of burnout, take steps to course correct.”
[07:58] What were the years that she was experiencing burnout and what did it look like from the outside?
[10:08] How did she feel on the inside during burnout?
[13:42] Does she think the generational trauma has impacted her burnout journey?
[15:52] Did she have a specific moment when she realized she was burned out?
[17:24] What did she do when she had her revelation?
[19:28] How yoga has impacted her recovery from burnout.
[22:33] Listen as she shares where she’s at now and how she approaches each day.
Links and Resources
Burntout to Badass: On Demand Course
Connect with Dr. Desai:
Connected: Discovering Your Inner Guides: A Kid’s Guide to Navigating Their Emotions by Seema Desai