Because it’s time to reclaim your inner Badass.
Burnout effing sucks.
But the good news is, you’re not alone.
of medical professionals agree that burnout is a problem
of professionals and physicians are experiencing burnout
of professionals isolate themselves to deal with burnout

With Burntout to Badass, you’ll learn all the important shit they didn’t teach you at grad school or med school, like how to:
Rest and Recover. Properly.
Harness your Perfectionism and use it as a superpower.
Eliminate jealousy, insecurity and the ‘grass-is-greener’ mentality.
Conquer Imposter Syndrome once and for all.
Establish clear boundaries and stick to them.
Overcome your overwhelm.
Burnout to Badass is NOT for you if:
You’re happy to settle for your life as it is now, even though it’s not exactly what you want.
You hate being challenged and meeting new people who can 100% relate to you.
You’re not up for learning new, life-changing skills from someone who knows first-hand what it’s like to be in your shoes.
Burnout to Badass IS for you if:
You feel hollow and exhausted, you’re considering quitting what was once your dream job, and you have NO IDEA what you’re going to do next.
You’ve checked all the boxes on your ‘Perfect Life’ plan, but you feel dead inside.
You’re looking around wondering: “Is this it? Is this all my life is going to be?”
Seems like maybe you’re still on the fence about signing up for my next round of Burntout to Badass cohort.
I get it - when you buy something, you want to know that you’re getting value for money, right?
Let’s look at a breakdown of what you actually get when you sign up for Burntout to Badass…

The Course.
The course has been divided up into 13 easy-to-follow Modules. I know that your life is busy as hell and already super-complicated. I don’t want to add to that! I’ve made a simple, informative, follow-along video for each Module. You’ll always be able to access it, and can play, pause and rewind, so you can go at your own pace, and at the time that suits you best.
The Badass Workbook/Journal.
You were a huge nerd in school, right? You love that warm fuzzy feeling you get inside when you complete an assignment and get a gold star? Well, I got you. You’ll get a workbook and journal for completing all of your Burntout to Badass exercises. This includes Reflection questions and Real-world assignments so that you can test things out in real life: what’s the use of learning about stuff if you can’t actually use it?
This book’ll be a record of your progress and a handbook you can refer back to once you’ve finished, if/when you start feeling crispy with burnout again.
It’s scientifically proven: you can’t be a Badass without Swag! When you sign up, you’ll get a bunch of cool stuff adorned with some classic Errin Weisman Sass, designed by yours truly! This includes the Doctor Me First book, a Badass t-shirt, sassy stickers, cheeky socks, snarky candles…I’m adding to the SwagBag all the time!
You’re Badass for LIFE.
When you sign up for Burntout to Badass, you are automatically inducted into the Badass Hall of Fame. That’s right - it’s a lifetime membership! You will have access to all of my top content - podcasts, special episodes and interviews, blogs, the Badass Slack Group, first refusal on new swag, retreats, group outings and everything else. You’ll have access to the entire back-catalogue of all of my content and access to any new content that is added. So, as the content value goes up, the relative cost goes down! It’s a no-brainer.
Okay so, here’s the plan…
Step 1: Sign up for Burnout to Badass and start your healing journey.
Step 2: Throw yourself into it headfirst and show up for yourself each and every step of the way.
Step 3: Enjoy the amazing life you've created!

With all coaching packages you get:
All the Modules.
Burntout to Badass Journal.
Badass Challenges.
Payment Plans are also available!

I’m Errin Weisman, DO.
I don't mean to brag, but I am the face of early-career female physician burnout.
7 years ago, I was suicidally miserable with burnout.
I wanted to leave my job and medicine altogether but I was scared to death of the unknown.
I finally looked for help and found it in the form of a physician life coach. Working with my coach completely changed my view of my work and medicine. It inspired me to become a coach myself, so that I could help my peers who were going through the same thing.
I’m still coaching now because I want to help people, and I have evidence that it WORKS.
My proof is the real-life physicians and professionals I’ve helped.
My proof is their stories about how they’ve made bold changes.
My proof is the lives they are living and the jobs they are loving.
My proof is me.
85% of people experience professional burnout at some point in their career.
And that’s just the ones who report it.
In fact, it's so normalized that many of us don't realize we are experiencing it until our life is literally falling apart.
I created Burntout to Badass because I saw my colleagues suffering in silence and I knew, to my core, how devastating that felt.
I became a life coach so that NONE of my colleagues would ever have to go through what I went through alone.
My full story is a truly wild ride - learn about it HERE.
The truth is, this course will change your fucking life, and really, you can’t put a price on that.
It’s a big investment for sure, but it’s an investment in YOU, and you are the best thing you have. If you’ve landed on this page, it’s fate: you can‘t afford not to do it.
If you’ve stuck with me this far, maybe you wanna see the numbers before you commit.
Remember these statistics…
of medical professionals agree that burnout is a problem
of professionals and physicians are experiencing burnout
of professionals isolate themselves to deal with burnout