Episode 211: Season 2 - That’s a Wrap!
I can’t believe season 2 is already over. I got to have some amazing conversations with brilliant women who struggled through the darkness of burnout and are now living amazing lives. It’s not going to stop here though!
There will be a Season 3 and I’m so excited about it. We’re going to be testing out a new format and hearing the amazing stories of more brave and resilient female professionals.
If you’ve been struggling with burnout, check out my Burntout to Badass course. I know that it can help you find the balance you’re looking for without the vision boards, journaling, and worksheets.
Nope! You’re going to get out in nature! Click here to learn more!
If you have an amazing story of overcoming burnout, then shoot me an email at hello@burntouttobadass.com. I want to hear it and I’d love to feature you on the podcast!
See you in the next season!
“It’s not perfect. It’s imperfectly marvelous.”